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Augmental Boosts Design Productivity With Sphere AR Platform
Introducing the new digital paradigm in spatially collaborating and validating design concept, structure and con ...
Glenfield Strengthens Digital Workplace with New Partnerships
Glenfield Digital Group, a leading content services focused digital agency, is strengthening its push into the s ...
COVID-19 Response
Glenfield Digital Group would like to take this opportunity to assure customers we have a pandemic plan in place ...
Glenfield Joins Microsoft SharePoint Spaces Preview
Glenfield, through its R&D division Augmental, will be joining the SharePoint Spaces Preview conducted by Mic ...
Glenfield Partners with Award Winning Powell for Office 365 Intranet In-a-Box
Glenfield Digital Group, a leading content services focused digital agency, and Powell Software, a global leader ...
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