COVID-19 Response

Glenfield Digital Group would like to take this opportunity to assure customers we have a pandemic plan in place for our critical services, which include our digital site hosting farms.  These facilities remain monitored and supported 24/7 within industry-leading enterprise cloud services platforms, such as Microsoft Azure. Furthermore, our suppliers such as Microsoft, have publicly released contingency plans to ensure business continuity throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

I would like to stress that at this time we have not faced any incident related to COVID-19 within our business and take the protection of our employees and customers very seriously. We are monitoring the World Health Organisation and Australian authorities response to the pandemic and will revise our own policies as required.

Due to the nature of our business, being predominantly ICT with cloud based services, we have encouraged employees during this pandemic to work from home, through secure communication channels and best digital workplace practices.  We have also limited business travel by our staff in preference to conducting online meetings and collaboration through Microsoft Teams.

Should you have any further questions or are concerns, please reach out to my team via or use our chat window at during working hours. 

We wish all our customers and their families around the world good health, and continued strength & resilience in facing the challenging times ahead. 

Richard Sojka
Managing Director


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